Accounting services

Prices for companies not registered for VAT.

Types of clients Companies engaged in services, trade and manufacturing.
around 20 documents monthly 60lv.
around 50 documents monthly 80lv.
around 100 documents monthly 100lv.

Prices for companies, registered for VAT.

Types of clients Companies engaged in services, trade and manufacturing.
around 20 documents monthly 100lv.
around 50 documents monthly 150lv.
around 100 documents monthly 180lv.
Companies with more than 100 documents monthly The price is negotiable.

Prices for employees that are on labor agreement.

Number of employees Raise of the standard price
up to 5 employees 15lv.
from 6 to 10 employees 20lv.
from 11 to 20 employees 25lv.
from 21 to 50 employees 30lv.
above 50 employeesи The price is negotiable